ServerlessDays Logo

6 July 2018 St John's Hoxton, London, N1 6NP

Markus Thömmes


Markus Thömmes image

Metalcore guitarist, adrenaline junky, Scala enthusiast, Software Engineer and leading contributor to Apache OpenWhisk. I love open-technology and I’m obsessed with anything technology in general. I’m one of the founding members of the Apache OpenWhisk project and day-0 employee on IBM’s serverless effort, IBM Cloud Functions. As such I’ve been driving the design and implementation of the OpenWhisk platform to reach the production-grade it has today. I’m a key driver of IBM’s adoption of OpenWhisk and I’ve been hosting the largest open-source platform over the past 2 years

Talk: Serverless from a vendor's point of view: Lessons learned on how to operate a serverless platform

Serverless cloud platforms still use huge amounts of servers (shock horror!) even though users don’t manage them. So, what’s it like to be responsible for managing infrastructure to provide a production serverless cloud platform? How do the serverless providers deliver elastic scalability, with no charge for idle, whilst still making a profit?! This talk will take you “behind the rainbow” on what it takes to run a serverless platform in the public cloud. Having spent over two years running real customer workloads, we’re going to expose all details users never have to think about. It’ll discuss all the challenges we faced and is filled with stories of debugging distributed systems, hardware disasters and the relentless pursuit of bit-coin-miners. This session is for anyone using serverless who has ever wondered what happens behind the scenes…

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